dare to be dirty

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Connecting People For Positive Change through Juliette.

The path to a better life isn’t always the same. And for immigrant workers, there can be a lot of uncertainty and struggle as to what that path looks like.

Here at JULIETTE, we offer a path to a better life for immigrant workers and their families.

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Community Is Powerful.

Sometimes you’re reminded of why you do the things you do.

And my time at the Midwest Summer Conference at the French Lick Resort & Casino in Indiana was one of those reminders.

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Dirty Laundry Secret: Broken In.

Luis isn’t always in the store like everyone else and sometimes, he sees even crazier sh*t than us.

Let’s take you back to last Friday. Here’s what happened… in his point of view.

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Confessions: Dirty Laundry Secrets.

“Are you almost ready?!

I rummaged through my clothes as I gripped onto my cell phone, “Uhhh,” ew that’s ugly, why do I still own that? It’s too cold for that “Y-Yeah!” I fibbed as the hangers scraped against the metal pole.

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Our Favorite Sustainable and Long-Lasting Fabrics.

At JULIETTE, environmental sustainability is a fundamental pillar of our business. We try and do our part each and every day by using recyclable materials and processes.

We want to help you do your part to help the environment, so we have listed some of our favorite sustainable fabrics with a variety of different prices below.

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Get Dirty With Us. Spring Cleaning and Garment Care Tips.

Spring has arrived, which means that you should not only spring clean your apartment and wardrobe, but also get outside and enjoy the sunshine!

It's easy to get stains on your clothes from outdoor activities, sporting events, and barbecues. Stains like mustard, ketchup, and grass can be difficult to get out of a white shirt or dress. It may appear that your clothes are permanently ruined, but don't worry, we have laundry tips that will restore their luster!

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How Do You Make Things Happen?

There’s a difference between doers and dreamers, and the last thing I’d ever be is a dreamer.

People won’t always answer your messages and it can be because of one of three things…

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The Virtue of Patience as an Entrepreneur.

There is no one-size-fits-all for being a successful female entrepreneur. There isn't a clear path to figuring out how to build and grow a profitable business. Or a roadmap that shows "here's exactly how to get from point A to point B."

Building a successful company takes time. 

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