Juliette’s Faces: Inside The Creative Mind Of Our Blog Writer.

Here at JULIETTE, we strive to tell you our story and journey in a fun, creative way. Whether that be a blog post of our Dirty Laundry Secrets or an Instagram reel on how a day at JULIETTE goes, we want you to see the different sides.

Today, we’re introducing you to the woman with the words, Adrienne J. Romero, who is the blog writer and editor. She was born and raised in Jersey City, New Jersey.

Name: Adrienne J. Romero

Age: 24 

Role at JULIETTE: Blog Writer/Editor

What’s your occupation? What made you choose your career path? 

I’m a freelance journalist and full-time entrepreneur! I’ve always loved writing and storytelling, but I got even more joy when I learned that I can tell other people’s stories through journalism. Entrepreneurship came out of nowhere… but it was also born out of passion.

How did you come across JULIETTE?

When I was at a customer service job and looking to get back into writing, my professor told me about a fellow Filipino woman – who is also from my hometown! – who was creating a magazine for her NYC-based business. I thought it was the perfect gig. Turns out, it was!

What’s your typical work day at JULIETTE like?

Going in person at JULIETTE, I never know what to expect, but in a good way! I’ll have a list of video ideas and clips I want to shoot for it, but then later on, someone on the team might have an idea for a video or a blog post that they share with me, and then we’ll end up talking about it and minutes will fly by! Either way, it’s very productive and I get to interact with the rest of the team and the customers, which is great.

When I don’t go in person, I either have a list of blog posts to write or have to come up with a shotlist for the next video. For blog posts, I refer to a lot of books or writings online to help fuel my imagination. For the shotlist, I look at a lot of TikToks and YouTube videos to get the creativity really going. (Writer’s block is the worst!)

What’s your hobby?

I’m horrible at it, but I love playing video games. There’s so many games that have a special place in my heart, but just know that I don’t stand a chance in competitive shooter games… but I’ll still play it because it’s fun lol. I’m much better at “cozy” games like Sims (I could play that for hours) or Animal Crossing… games where just creativity is needed :)

What’s your drink?

Henny and coke 

Favorite song right now?

SORRY NOT SORRY - Tyler the Creator

Restaurant would you recommend?

Ichiran Ramen - best ramen I’ve ever had!

How would you describe your clothing style? 

I love always trying to make an outfit pop and mix colors or pieces that people don’t usually put together. I also love handmade pieces. Not sure what style that’d fall under! When I’m feeling a bit more basic, I love wearing vintage, thrifted items that are a bit bigger on me. 

Name 1 thing not many people know about you

I love mosh pits at concerts lol. They’re so exhilarating!

What do you think of JULIETTE’s plan to become category leader?

It’s inspiring and I know it’s doable, but JULIETTE is already at the forefront. No one is doing what JULIETTE is doing. It’s already changed the whole mindset on laundry and drycleaning.

Can you describe the atmosphere/team atmosphere at JULIETTE?

Very welcoming, fun, and hard working. Working with everyone is so easy and I always have a good time talking or being with them. 

Describe working at JULIETTE in 3 words?

Creative, inspiring, focused.


Dirty Laundry Secret: Broken In.


Dirty Laundry Secret: A Secret Crush.