The Virtue of Patience as an Entrepreneur.

There is no one-size-fits-all for being a successful female entrepreneur. There isn't a clear path to figuring out how to build and grow a profitable business. Or a roadmap that shows "here's exactly how to get from point A to point B."

Building a successful company takes time. 

It doesn't matter how many "overnight success" stories you hear. It takes months, years, and decades of hard work, learning, failing, and trying again. 

It takes GRIT.
It is an unquestionable requirement for surviving the years of ups and downs.

Patience prevents hasty decisions. 

When you want something right now, you may overlook questions about whether it is the right time or place for your business. Focusing on patience allows you to accept the fact that building something worthwhile takes time. 

Impatience does not have to cloud your desire to succeed. Instead, use that desire and acceptance to fuel your efforts. When you feel tired or frustrated, remember how hard you worked to get here, in that moment. That can motivate you to work even harder. You can be dynamic while remaining mindful.

How you market yourself as an entrepreneur is just as important as how you create a brand image and reputation for your business. 

Being viewed as a patient person, rather than an impulsive, aggressive, and impatient one, can directly impact whether a prospect chooses to do business with your brand. VCs invest in people they simply like to be around.

Starting a business can be difficult, especially in the early months, the waiting, failing, trying over again and again, the good days. But that is what makes the entrepreneurial journey so beautiful and so worth it. 


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