Connecting People For Positive Change through Juliette.

The path to a better life isn’t always the same.

And for immigrant workers, there can be a lot of uncertainty and struggle as to what that path looks like. 

Here at JULIETTE, we offer a path to a better life for immigrant workers and their families. 

I know what it’s like to have doubt. I know what it’s like to wonder where your next paycheck will come from. I know how it feels to be told “you can’t do it.”

So, I’m here to tell you you can do it.

Regardless of your industry.

Regardless of your background.

You can change your socioeconomic status. You can have a stable income. Heck, you can start your own business. 

As a Filipina-American, I especially want to show Filipinos and young Filipina girls that they can do anything that they set their mind to – as long as they’re willing to put in the work. 

But we’re more than just immigrant workers, and we’re more than our labor-intensive jobs.

According to a number of studies, immigration does have a direct impact on the American workforce. In many ways, we influence the way goods and services are provided in the economy. 

Just think of JULIETTE.

We do the laundry and dry cleaning of New Yorkers who don’t have the time. If it wasn’t for us, who would wash and deliver their clothes at the tap of a button? 

(I’ll let you think about that.)

Just remember that there is no one path to life. It all depends on your skills, your perspective, and, most importantly, your dreams.


Juliette x M.M. Lafleur


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