How Do You Make Things Happen?

There’s a difference between doers and dreamers, and the last thing I’d ever be is a dreamer.

People won’t always answer your messages and it can be because of one of three things:

  1. They’re busy

  2. They’re uninterested

  3. They’re not willing to give you a chance

I learned that the hard way, but so did millions of other people. The difference is, however, how you react to either of those three things.

You may think you’re reading a story that you’ve heard before — the story of how someone made something out of nothing — but this story’s far from over.

Unlike those stories, we’ll start off with asking you a few questions:

What did you do today? or What are you going to do today?

How do you make things happen?

Those are questions I ask myself every day. 

Being a small business owner — aiming to become a category leader — I have to work my ass off. Every. Single. Day. 

I have to get off my ass to make something happen. Every. Single. Day.

A lot of people tend to get stuck in the past — muddling over every single regret — while others worry too much about the future — fearing the unknown — but neither of those matter. There’s only one thing that matters, and that’s to do.

What did you do today? or What are you going to do today?

Here’s something I did today:

I showed up to the office because they weren’t answering me. Crazy? No. Determined? Yes.

That one little “did” made it happen. And those “dids” made things happen time and time again. 

There’s no recipe to actively trying to become a category leader except Get off your ass. Show up. Be there. Pitch them. Read a book.

There’s only one way to effect change.

So, what did you do today?


Obstacle 1.


How Juliette is Using Technology to Modernize Dry Cleaning and Laundry Featured in Inc.