dare to be dirty

rechelle balanzat rechelle balanzat

How Do You Make Things Happen?

There’s a difference between doers and dreamers, and the last thing I’d ever be is a dreamer.

People won’t always answer your messages and it can be because of one of three things…

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rechelle balanzat rechelle balanzat

Why the Juliette book is the perfect holiday gift.

Think: Struggle. Comeback. Journey. Empowerment. Laundry (lots of it). Hope. Doubt. Future.

What do you think of?

The words above are just some that describe the journey of “JULIETTE,” an art book detailing the story of Juliette Cleaners and CEO and Founder Rechelle Balanzat. It will be available for purchase on Dec. 15, 2021.

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rechelle balanzat rechelle balanzat

The Story ofBuilding Something from Nothing

The Story of Building Something from Nothing.

Of all venture capital funding, 2% goes to women. Of that, less than 0.2% goes to women of color. Why is that? And when numbers work against you, how do you make an impact? How do you make your dreams come true?

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