dare to be dirty

rechelle balanzat rechelle balanzat

Juliette Technologies Continues to Revolutionize the Laundry and Dry Cleaning Industry.

How do you run a successful company in a post-Covid world? Among other things, we believe the key to success lies in a simple answer: the people.

Here at JULIETTE, we have dedicated employees from many different backgrounds and corners of the world including India, Vienna, New York, Miami, and Arkansas. We love that every person brings something special to the table.

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rechelle balanzat rechelle balanzat

How Do You Make Things Happen?

There’s a difference between doers and dreamers, and the last thing I’d ever be is a dreamer.

People won’t always answer your messages and it can be because of one of three things…

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rechelle balanzat rechelle balanzat

Get Dirty With Us- Spring Closet Cleaning Tips.

The Spring season is here, and us New Yorkers are excited to ditch our heavy winter layers for lighter options. Now is the time to organize your closet, which can be difficult.

Here are four tips to make the process more seamless.

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