dare to be dirty

rechelle balanzat rechelle balanzat

Dirty Laundry Secret: Thirsty Thursdays.

I’ve seen a lot of weird things.

I once thought that I laundered hundreds of dollars (I didn’t); had a pants-less customer in my store because he wanted his pants hemmed (he took the “Drop Your Pants Here” sign too literal) and had a father find out his daughter wore panties that said “Crime Scene” (awkward moment). And, of course, today was another one of those days.

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rechelle balanzat rechelle balanzat

Power of the Network.

Hard work, determination, and talent are all important pieces to the whole in creating a successful business. However, sometimes, those qualities are simply not enough to take a business and brand to the next level.

That’s where networking comes in! Networking allows people to make connections that can lead to opportunities for growth. Over time, JULIETTE’s founder, Rechelle Balanzat, has learned about the many benefits that come with networking and becoming a part of powerful communities and organizations.

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rechelle balanzat rechelle balanzat

Juliette Technologies Continues to Revolutionize the Laundry and Dry Cleaning Industry.

How do you run a successful company in a post-Covid world? Among other things, we believe the key to success lies in a simple answer: the people.

Here at JULIETTE, we have dedicated employees from many different backgrounds and corners of the world including India, Vienna, New York, Miami, and Arkansas. We love that every person brings something special to the table.

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rechelle balanzat rechelle balanzat

Nyc Residents' Lives Are Made A Little Easier With Juliette’s Laundry And Dry Cleaning Amenity.

People have been doing laundry for hundreds of years. Some people may consider laundry and dry cleaning to be a boring, everyday chore, but here at JULIETTE, we know that that is not the case. JULIETTE is taking the old, and turning it into new. Through innovative technology, we are revitalizing the dry cleaning and laundry industry to make doing this once mundane chore a thing of the past.

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rechelle balanzat rechelle balanzat

Juliette’s Own Rechelle Balanzat Shares Her Thoughts On Shooting For The Stars in Sara Connell’s Book “The Science of Getting Rich for Women”.

Recently, JULIETTE’s inspiring founder Rechelle Balanzat was featured in “The Science of Getting Rich for Women” by Sara Connell. Sara Connell is a bestselling author and founder of Thought Leader Academy where she helps writers, entrepreneurs, and coaches, skyrocket in their success by helping them become published authors and in-demand speakers.

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rechelle balanzat rechelle balanzat

Dirty Laundry Secret, Birthday Suit.

On any given day, there are around 11,000 birthdays celebrated worldwide. For many people, a birthday celebration is an excuse to dress to the nines; it’s important to celebrate all that you’ve accomplished and cheers to all the future versions of you in a fresh outfit that makes you feel your best.

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rechelle balanzat rechelle balanzat

How Do You Make Things Happen?

There’s a difference between doers and dreamers, and the last thing I’d ever be is a dreamer.

People won’t always answer your messages and it can be because of one of three things…

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rechelle balanzat rechelle balanzat

There's A New Perk for Stonehenge NYC’s Residents: Juliette.

We are pleased to announce that we have been added as a perk to the notable Stonehenge NYC buildings.

Stonehenge, together with its investment partners, owns and manages a portfolio of properties in New York City valued in excess of $2.5 billion.

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rechelle balanzat rechelle balanzat

The Virtue of Struggle.

No matter who we are, or where we come from - we all face obstacles. We all have challenges. But when we reorientate our relationship with struggle, what sets others back becomes our opportunity to leap ahead.

How can you fly, if you never jump?

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rechelle balanzat rechelle balanzat

At Juliette, We Value Our Clients.

Dear client, the customer is not always right.

We provide service and you provide the cash. It’s true. But, between the service and payment, there’s something crucial between any relationship, whether it be client or personal.

Respect for one another.

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rechelle balanzat rechelle balanzat

Onwards And Upwards.

I have learned that as an entrepreneur when you fall you have to get back up and try again and again and again. Keep moving forward not backwards. There is light at the end of the tunnel, but you have to be disciplined and believe in yourself enough to get there.

Onwards & Upwards.

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