Obstacle 1.

Today’s the day.

I walked up to the building that looked so high it went past the clouds. I got lost in the mesmerizing outside architecture – all I could remember was that I was on Park Avenue.

So, Juliette is going places – literally. 

Just a few weeks ago, we took over two buildings and have become the on-site laundry valet for all 550 units. This means that all their residents will be relying on Juliette to get their all of their dirties cleaned.

Pretty damn cool if you ask me.

I moved into my new office, which was bombarded with sh*t. There were boxes of papers, documents and other things that the previous person just seemed to be hoarding. I threw most – if not all – of that sh*t out.

But hey, it’s a new space. It’s my new space to grow Juliette even more. 

I took a day to observe the daily operations for the current on-site valet and boy, have I walked into a sh*t show. It’s only been a couple of weeks, but I already see the obstacles I’m going to have to overcome in order to turn everything around here – I mean, nothing new to Juliette, right?

This could be a long one, so let me break it down to you in three obstacles. Here’s the first one.

It seems like the buildings' previous on-site valet wasn’t getting what they’re owed… If you’re confused by what I mean… I would say more… But I can’t, so let’s keep it at that. 

But, obviously, me and Juliette… we’re gonna get what we’re owed. So, how do I combat this?

One word: contracts.

I spent a majority of my first few days just doing contracts. Contracts on contracts on contracts. 

If there’s anything I’ve learned, it’s that if you want to get somewhere you have to set, not only goals and expectations, but rules too so you don’t get crossed and can stay on your path.

I mean, that’s how Juliette got here.

Then there’s contract negotiations.

There’s always big ideas and big opportunities, but how do you make that all happen?

Welcome to Obstacle #2. 


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