dare to be dirty

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Juliette Technologies Continues to Revolutionize the Laundry and Dry Cleaning Industry.

How do you run a successful company in a post-Covid world? Among other things, we believe the key to success lies in a simple answer: the people.

Here at JULIETTE, we have dedicated employees from many different backgrounds and corners of the world including India, Vienna, New York, Miami, and Arkansas. We love that every person brings something special to the table.

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Business isn’t Always Business.

Business isn’t Always Business. It isn’t always about numbers.

It isn’t always about numbers, quotas, or acquisitions. When you work in business, breathe business, live (in) business, you tend to forget that.

Here’s how I was reminded of it.

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Onwards And Upwards.

I have learned that as an entrepreneur when you fall you have to get back up and try again and again and again. Keep moving forward not backwards. There is light at the end of the tunnel, but you have to be disciplined and believe in yourself enough to get there.

Onwards & Upwards.

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The Virtue of Patience as an Entrepreneur.

There is no one-size-fits-all for being a successful female entrepreneur. There isn't a clear path to figuring out how to build and grow a profitable business. Or a roadmap that shows "here's exactly how to get from point A to point B."

Building a successful company takes time. 

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rechelle balanzat rechelle balanzat

Dirty Laundry Secret - Laundry Overload.

What a sh–tty day.

It’s downpour raining. There’s tons of laundry. And, we’re short staffed.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I love my job, but aren’t we all allowed to have bad days? And today is definitely one that should be allowed.

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How To Turn On Our Inner Voice To Succeed.

We have the ability to change the voices in our heads in order to succeed. That inner dialogue is something we are all familiar with. There are many occasions when we find ourselves in situations where we are extremely critical of ourselves.

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