Why Your Louboutin’s Haven’t Arrived Yet.

Here at Juliette, logistics is our business.  Aka the pickup and delivery of your dirty clothes.  


Which means we have a pulse on what’s going on in the industry, and we are here to share all the dirty secrets with you. 

In case you haven’t noticed, there’s an inventory shortage (shoes are taking weeks to deliver, furniture forget about it, and don’t even get us started on the food quota at Whole Foods).

All this leads to higher costs. For us especially, the cost of our raw materials have increased.  For example, our hangers have doubled in price and take 4 weeks to deliver!

Because of COVID restrictions, ports in Asia face intermittent closures.  And once products arrive in the United States, there is a labor shortage of truck drivers and port workers to unload goods. As of Thursday Oct. 7th, 500,000 containers remain sitting off the coast of Los Angeles, just waiting to get to you. Hundreds of those cargo ships could be forced to wait up to four weeks before they can dock. 

The nationwide labor shortage is real. And our lifestyle demands only exacerbate the situation. Let’s face it, we live in an on-demand world. We want everything with a click of a button. The problem now is that there’s no one on the other side to make our goods, ship our goods, unload our goods, and deliver it to our front door. 

So take it from us, get a head start on your holiday shopping today! No one wants to open their holiday gift in January.

For the real low down on ocean freight and logistics, check out our interview with Caitin Murphy - CEO of Global Gateway Logistics, which you can watch here. 


Dirty Laundry Secret - We Don’t Wash & Tell.


How do you inspire a team to get dirty for you everyday?