Just In Time For Fall: How To Refresh Your Favorite Fall Pieces.

Can you believe it? It’s already that time of year again. Summer has come and gone, and it’s time to pluck your favorite fall pieces from the back of your closet. Chances are, your favorite sweater might be in need of some love after having been stored in the dark for months at a time. The lack of ventilation and fresh air makes a perfect breeding ground for mildew to accumulate. Mildew can be harmful to your health, so removing it as soon as you can is important! 

First, put on a face mask and gloves and do your best to scrub off any physical signs of mildew damage from your clothes. After, allow the clothes to air out in the sunlight; the sunlight actually acts as a natural mildew eliminating agent because it kills the bacteria and also will dry out the fabric. If there are still stains on your clothes from the mildew, simply get a wet rag and use lemon juice as a spot treatment. 

Once your clothes have had an adequate amount of time to air out, it’s time to wash them. Turn on the hottest water setting available, toss in regular detergent, and if possible, add an odor-eliminating agent along with your clothes into the washing machine.

Always make sure to check and follow the instructions on the Care Labels, but following the steps above should leave your favorite fall clothes looking and smelling good as new, shaking off any unwanted germs and mold. 




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