Juliette’s Faces: Get To Know Our Versatile, Bike-riding Logistics Manager.

Here at JULIETTE, we work hard every day to make sure we meet your needs quickly and efficiently – of course, that’s easier said than done. 

This time, we’re spotlighting the man behind the magic, James Macay, who is JULIETTE’s logistics manager. 

Name: James Macay 

Age: 25 

Role at JULIETTE: Logistics Manager

What’s your occupation? What made you choose your career path? 

My current occupation is handling the logistics for Juliette’s day to day operations. I hadn’t intended on working in logistics or operations management. However, with my previous experience working at Juliette, and my extended knowledge on meeting demand in New York City, handling Juliette’s logistics was second nature for me. 

How did you come across JULIETTE?

I came across Juliette back in 2014 when it was a start-up app based wash & fold delivery service. A lifelong friend of mine had been working with Juliette and he was my connection to Juliette. As time went on, I would help out with pick ups or deliveries when needed. The rest is all history and here we are today. 

What’s your typical work day at JULIETTE like?

My typical work day at Juliette starts with either text messages or phone calls at 8 a.m. (if not earlier). Mainly regarding the orders that need to be processed and prepared for delivery in the evening. 

As the day goes you have to keep a steady eye on EVERYTHING! 

Constantly ensuring that orders are being fulfilled for customers to pick up, and for our drivers to have routes in the evening is how we spend our day at Juliette. Our logistics must always be on its A-game, for the entire operation is connected. One mistake can throw off the entire team and the day. There’s a rhythm to the amount of things that happen in the day, and finding the beat and moving with it is what we do. 

What’s your hobby?

I enjoy riding my bike, fast, aggressive, and calculated. It’s where I get to tune out from the real world and tune into my higher self. 

What’s your drink?

Old fashion with Honey bourbon 

Favorite song right now?

U&ME by Alt-J 

Sidenote: One of the best music groups to watch live

Restaurant would you recommend?

Soleluna - Italian food is always top tier satisfaction 

How would you describe your clothing style? 

Overall I like to dress versatile. Spending a lot of my time being physically active at work and on my bike, I need to be fit for mobility. All whilst trying to maintain a presentable sense of style as well.  

Name 1 thing not many people know about you

Not many people know how competitive I am in the video game world. From landing in leaderboards alongside full time pros to competing for financial gain, video games have been a big part of my life that many people don’t know about.

For me, video games have always been strictly a pleasure, and so I keep it for myself. 

What do you think of JULIETTE’s plan to become category leader?

I think it’s a bold and calculated plan.  

Can you describe the atmosphere/team atmosphere at JULIETTE?

The atmosphere at Juliette has always been a very welcoming, innovative and hard working environment. 

Describe working at JULIETTE in 3 words?

Push your limits.


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