How Juliette Sits At The Intersection Of Lifestyle, Fashion, & Technology

At first glance, you might just see laundry and drycleaning, but for us at JULIETTE, we know it’s much deeper than that. 

Think about your average busy New Yorker. They rush through crowds in the morning, work all throughout the day, and are drained by the end of it all… but still have to do it all over again the next day. 

Where does laundry fit into that?

And your average busy New Yorker still needs clothes for their next meeting or presentation – but will it be cold? Humid? Rainy? Or (somehow) all three? Nine times out of ten, their favorite gray turtleneck or cozy brown corduroy pants that they’re looking for are still in the hamper from last week’s busy end of the quarter. 

When would they have had the time to clean it?

That’s where we come in. 

In today’s hyper technological age, we mobile order our coffees, Uber Eats our dinners, and pay subway fare just by tapping our phones.

So why shouldn’t laundry and drycleaning be just as easy?

We’ve simplified the process just for you, busy New Yorkers, through our AI pick up feature, real-time GPS ETA tracker, and valuable customer service. 

We presented the problem and our solution recently at a conference in New Hampshire, but if you want the full story, see our exclusive front-cover feature on Fabricare’s Fourth Quarter 2023 issue here.




Home for The Holidays


Juliette’s Tricks For A Cozy Stay This Holiday Season