Confessions of a Boss Babe.

No one likes a break up. 

And I’m not just talking about romantic relationships — but between a boss and a worker too.

Either way, break ups suck. They’re confusing, weird, and just don’t make you feel good.

But sometimes, you gotta do what you gotta do. 

So, how do we deal as a boss? Here’s the three stages of a break up: CEO edition.

Step 1: Blame & Accuse

You’re angry. They’re angry. Almost nothing good can come out of this.

But you’re going to see it as their fault. They’re incompetent. “I’m in the right,” you’ll say.

Step 2: Troubleshoot & Problem Solve

You’ve blown off some steam and can think a little more straight.

Now you’re looking for solutions. “What actually happened and how can we improve this?” you’ll say.

Maybe you weren’t clear enough. Maybe you weren’t in the right. Maybe it isn’t all their fault.

Step 3: Accept, Acknowledge, Gratitude

By now, you’ve probably concluded that you both no longer click. 

Now all that’s left is 15 minutes. Fifteen minutes where you thank them for their time.

No more is said. The relationship is over now. 

Of course, we’re grateful — even if it might not seem that way — it’s just that as a boss, we don’t have time to think about or question everything that went wrong or what could’ve been. 

We acknowledge and accept what happened. We are grateful for your time with us. Sometimes, it’s just not a fit. 


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