dare to be dirty

rechelle balanzat rechelle balanzat

Power of the Network.

Hard work, determination, and talent are all important pieces to the whole in creating a successful business. However, sometimes, those qualities are simply not enough to take a business and brand to the next level.

That’s where networking comes in! Networking allows people to make connections that can lead to opportunities for growth. Over time, JULIETTE’s founder, Rechelle Balanzat, has learned about the many benefits that come with networking and becoming a part of powerful communities and organizations.

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rechelle balanzat rechelle balanzat

Meet Juliette Technologies, The Future Of The Modern Laundry And Dry Cleaning Industry.

Rechelle was using different cleaners and would call them to ask if they could pick up and deliver her laundry. Sometimes they would come, sometimes they wouldn’t. It was really inconsistent.

That experience sparked the idea for JULIETTE. Because she had no way of tracking her order, she would often feel stressed that something had gone wrong. Her laundry was often getting back to her late, or a delivery person would not show up at all.

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rechelle balanzat rechelle balanzat

Love Letter to New York.

I remember applying to the Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses Program back in 2018. I remember working late into the night on my application. I remember the interview process and being nervous as hell. I remember getting the call that I had been selected and jumping up and down like a little girl. I had to shorten my trip through Europe so I could commit the next few months to the program. Little did I know how much it would change my life.

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