The Hard Truth About Being An Entrepreneur

Just keep going.

It’s a hard statement to follow sometimes… especially as an entrepreneur. But when it gets tough, it’s really f**king hard to follow.

But that’s the daily battles of running a business.

Entrepreneurs don’t always get the million-dollar checks. 

We’re not always outlandish or bizarre. We’re not Billy McFarland and Fyre Festival; the Tinder Swindler; or Elizabeth Holmes and Theranos, who all turned out to be scams.

We’re not that “successful” entrepreneur.

I’m not that “successful” entrepreneur.

In reality, entrepreneurship is ultimately about humility, fortitude, integrity, and a healthy dose of compassion and grace. 

You may have associated entrepreneurs with hubris – excessive pride and maybe some arrogance. But honestly, as an entrepreneur, you must practice humility – freedom from pride or arrogance. 

I’m not always away in business meetings. I step in when someone on my team falls short. I’m there for my team when they need me – no matter how big or small the question is. 

Some entrepreneurs make it look easy when they reach – what seems to be – the top. They seem void of pain and as if they have only experienced success. No hardships. No obstacles. No struggles. 

As an entrepreneur, you must endure things with great fortitude. You don’t brush it off or pretend it never happened. You must find courage in pain. Plan for how you can avoid this obstacle, and any future obstacles. Be one step ahead.

Some entrepreneurs when they reach – what seems to be – success, they may lose the values that they regarded highly at first. They may lose sight of the vision. 

You must keep your integrity – your moral principles and honesty. You must check in with them every now and then, and realign yourself accordingly. Because if you get lost, then the vision might be lost too.

Some entrepreneurs might turn to discipline as a means to avoid rebellion and scale growth. But truthfully, as an entrepreneur, you must have compassion and grace. Understand that your relationships are not just transactional. Understand that there may be uncontrollable factors that hinder your business. Understand that your team are people too.

Because if you don’t, you could be what’s holding you back.

I am this entrepreneur. Made up of humility, fortitude, integrity, and a healthy dose of compassion and grace. 

“Just keep going” is really f**king hard to follow, but I rather say that “I got this far” rather than “I never even tried.” 


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