Juliette’s Guide to Bath Towel Care: Do's and Don'ts As Featured On Nbc
Bath towels are an essential part of our daily routine, offering comfort and warmth after a refreshing shower or a relaxing bath. Follow these do’s and don’ts below to ensure that they stay soft, fluffy, and absorbent for as long as possible.
Wash First Before Using: Before you wrap yourself in that freshly bought towel, give it a thorough wash. During the manufacturing process, towels may acquire a coating that needs to be removed to optimize their absorbency and softness.
Separate Towels from Other Clothes: To prevent color transfer and bacterial contamination, wash your towels separately from other clothes. Lighter-colored towels can pick up pigments from other fabrics, while kitchen towels may contain different bacteria that require specific washing instructions.
Dry Towels Completely: After each wash, ensure your towels are thoroughly dried. Damp towels left in the dryer can become a breeding ground for mold, compromising their hygiene and longevity. If time is a constraint, opt for air drying instead.
Read Care Instructions: When it comes to washing your towels, never underestimate the importance of reading the care instructions. Whether it’s the water temperature or the recommended detergent, adhering to the manufacturer's guidelines ensures optimal maintenance.
Use Excessive Detergent: While it might be tempting to pour in extra detergent for that extra clean feeling, resist the urge. Using too much detergent can lead to a residue buildup on your towels, diminishing their fluffiness and absorbency over time. Stick to the recommended amount, or even consider using half the dosage for better results.
Overdo Fabric Softener: Despite its enticing scent, fabric softener is not your towel’s best friend. Balanzat warns against its excessive use, as it leaves behind a waxy residue that hampers the towel’s absorbency. For soft and plush towels, opt for alternatives like vinegar or dryer balls to maintain their quality without compromising functionality.
By following these simple do's and don'ts, you can prolong the life and performance of your bath towels, ensuring they remain a luxurious addition to your daily routine. With proper care, your towels will continue to envelop you in warmth and comfort for years to come.
Read more of our tips here on our latest press feature on NBC TODAY.